Copyright © Newcastle Legion. All rights reserved.

Just a tip for those that may or may not know the hidden code of Legions and how we do business and transactions between other members.

1. Never bid against another member: Its poor form. 
2. Honesty in your dealings is a must. You say what you mean and you do what you say. This is law! Breaking trust will mean we as a group cannot trust you therefore you cannot be part of the group. 
3. Trades are always encouraged and transactions should have a drink in the process. This always helps as you normally sell your wares at a lower price to fellow Legion Members so buying a man a beer is just polite. 
4. Cash on delivery. Please where you can, do your transaction for cash at the club where the goods physically changes hands.This avoids the need to post which can lead to dramas. Plus refer too point 3. 
5. Don't do credit... this can lead too pain especially if you don't know the other guy that well. 
6. Provide Photos where you can. The joy of facebook and smart phones means this is easier than ever. 
7. Man up. If you have a problem, or have committed to something that you can no longer hold. Man up and tell the other guy. This way he can move it on to the next bidder. Maning Up is a fundamental trait of a Legions Member. It is what makes us Legions.
8. Always shake hands when the deal is done. This is a mark of respect to the deal. If you have problems shaking hands please see Jason Sendjirdjian for lessons on man etiquette.

I could think of more but this should do for now. If you have a problem with this or would like to air concerns you have had with another member please re-read the points chances are you failed 2,3,4, especially 7 and then you need another lesson in 8.

If you are afraid of confrontation or feel intimated by the manliness of the person you can PM me. If its me you have a problem with well next man day come and have a chat and a beer and Im sure we can work it out.

Our Facility:

We meet on the last Sunday of the month unless something happens and we tell you. 

Setup 9.30 am
Games Start 10 am

Finish 6.00 pm


We're dedicated to you and to the game.


Our Mission:

Newcastle Legion was founded in 2011 with a single goal: to offer fun, competitive, wargames in the best location that served beer. Our legion strives to provide a structure that’s conducive to meeting this goal of fair and fun play. Each year, our fearless leader reviews and evaluates current league rules and procedures to ensure we are offering the best club experience possible for each player.  


3-5 Beaumont Steet HamiltonNewcastle, NSW, Australia 2430

About Us

Stay Informed:

Newcastle Legion is on Facebook. Join the page -  Newcastle Legions 
