Copyright © Newcastle Legion. All rights reserved.

What:Castle Assault Malifaux
When: 12, 13, 14th

October 2018 (practice games Friday, Event Saturday and Sunday). 
Where: Gallipoli Legion Club Check players pack for event times.
How Much: $55 per player
How to pay: Direct Deposit
Westpac Fury Juice Pty Ltd BSB: 032-639 Account: 201619

How to Register: Once you pay you MUST fill this form out. This helps with the logistics of the event and confirms your ticket.

Click here ​Rego Form  

All funds are not refundable. We will work with you to on sell tickets to people on the waiting list.

Players Pack:  <- See Image ->

Prizes: CAMoMA, Chance to win your entry back, Drinks ahoy, good times. Click here to see what Castle Assault is all about. 

TO: Rob
Event Coordinator: James newcastlelegion@gmail.comType your paragraph here.